
Jim Young Marymass 10K Road Race

The race will be held on Wednesday 21st August 2024 and we are waiting for the measurement certificate and license before opening it on Entry Central. Once ready further details will be on Entry Central but in the meantime if you have any questions then e-mail us info@irvinerunningclub.co.uk.


Irvine Running 100 years old in 2024

This year is the 100th Anniversary of Irvine Running Club and one of the things that we are trying to do is to collect memories , experiences of the club, events the club has organised, Irvine Runners that you know or knew etc , which will supplement the history that club stalwart Andy Rennie has agreed to write. We have asked club members for their contributions and thought it would be a good idea to tap into the wider Ayrshire running community. 


There are no hard and fast rules, but a little bit of background of your running career would be good for setting the context and from there on a free reign, anything up to round about one sheet of A4 would be appreciated. If you could please email your offerings to info@irvinerunningclub.co.uk

We have not yet decided what form the final product will take, perhaps a booklet, but your contributions would be much appreciated.

About Us

The club enters teams in most Scottish road race and cross country events throughout the season, however there are several members who run just for fun and to stay fit. New members, whatever their standard are always welcome and are assured of a friendly welcome from all members of the club.

We are based at Irvine Community Sports Club, Marress and our training nights are Tuesday and Thursday 7pm. We have both junior (aged 9 upwards) and senior sections

Why not come along to one of our training sessions and see if you like it?... Our friendly coaches and members contribute towards a welcoming club atmosphere. To find out more click here

A membership form can be downloaded Here

Club Welcome Pack

The club welcome pack can be viewed under the Documents and Policies section on the right hand side of the
page. The welcome pack gives an introduction to the club and information on some of the activities we are involved in.  If you are thinking about joining the club then take a look at the welcome pack.

Upcoming Events